“A Special Place”
When I want to escape and just be in a place where I can rest my mind and relax, I often find myself visiting one of my favorite fishponds. As I sit and watch the graceful movement of the fish around me, a magical transformation takes place where my worries and concerns melt away and peaceful, tranquil thoughts take their place. At times, I even manage to briefly fall asleep leaving behind any lingering cares that I might have.
Creating “A Special Place” proved to be my most challenging work to date. First, unlike my other works, I had a preconceived vision of what I wanted the finished product to look like and used this to guide my efforts throughout. Second, my technical skills were truly put to the test to create a less abstract, more representational style composition which still retained the characteristics and style of my other works. I am very pleased at how it all turned out and perhaps will journey down this path again in the future.
Although they may differ widely, I’m sure we all have our own personal escapes which we journey to from time-to-time. I’m happy I could share with you what for me, is a special place.